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To promote our interdisciplinary research on electron ultramicroscopy and energy, we need students and colleagues with backgrounds about physics, chemistry, materials, engineering and computer science to join us and jointly carry out cutting-edge research. In this context, the current team is mainly composed of 2 electron microscopy engineers, 2 doctoral students, 2 master's students and 2 research assistants.


The electron ultramicroscopy platform of Xiamen University/Tan Kah Keen Innovation Laboratory (IKKEM) is equipped with the following advanced microscopy and sample preparation equipment:


1) Double Cs-corrected Grand ARMF2 TEM

2) JEOL Field Emission TEM F200

3) JEOL 2100Plus LaB6 electron microscope

4) Cryo-FIB dual-beam system (under purchase)

5) Zeiss Gemini 500 SEM

6) Fischione NanoMill 1040 system

7) Leica GP2 plunge freezing system


We may also get access to a number of other advanced equipments at Xiamen University and IKKEM Laboratory, including 1) super-computing, 2) Oxford and Bruker atomic force microscopy (AFM-PFM), 3) in-situ XRD diffractometer, 4) thin film sample preparation (MBE, PLD), 5) electrocatalytic testing device, etc.


Right now, we’re recruiting 1 Associate Researcher and 2~4 postdoctoral fellows to join us. If interested in, please feel free to send me a message.