Guokun Liu Group

Enrollment Information (Enrollment in 2024)

As a multidisciplinary interdisciplinary research group, Liu Guokun's laboratory is located in the School of Environment and Ecology and the Jiageng Innovation Laboratory of Xiamen University (Xiang'an Campus). It recruits doctoral and master's students from majors such as environmental science, environmental engineering, material engineering, physical chemistry, machinery, electronic information, intelligent instruments and equipment, and invites students with backgrounds in environment, chemistry, computer science, machinery, and instruments to join the research group.

The research group will recruit 1-2 doctoral students (environmental science, environmental engineering, physical chemistry) (already full) and 2-5 master's students in 2024. Among them, environmental science, resources and environment, and intelligent instruments and equipment are direct enrollment; Materials engineering, physical chemistry, machinery, electronic information, and other majors are recruited through joint training at institutions such as the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sabondong Micron Nanoscience and Technology Research Institute, and the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics.Interested parties can contact Teacher Liu Guokun at email: ; Office address: C308, School of Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University.

Welcome to join!



Exchange information

Liu Guokun's research team relies on the State Key Laboratory of Offshore Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University) Marine Environmental Science Undergraduate Summer Scientific Research Scholarship Project (XMU-URF) every summer to recruit outstanding sophomores and juniors who are interested in studying and communicating with the research team. The project is released from April to May every year, and it will last for at least one month during the summer vacation. The project requires an oral presentation and an academic poster to be drawn. Project website:

Recent programs and enrollment programs visiting students:

2023: Rapid Identification of Precious Marine Fish Gum Based on Raman Spectroscopy Technology Chen Hongning (Xiamen University Malaysia Campus, Malaysian nationality)

2022: Feasibility Study on the Determination of Nanoplastics Based on Raman Spectroscopy Technology Guo Yirui (Xiamen University)

2021: Feasibility Study on Seawater Salinity Measurement Based on Raman Spectroscopy Technology Guo Haoyu (Ocean University of China, currently a master's student in our group at 2023 grade)

2020: Not carried out due to epidemic reasons

2019: Study on the adsorption behavior of antibiotics such as enrofloxacin on nanoscale plastic particles Xu Jing (Lanzhou University, currently a doctoral student of our group at 2022 grade)


Innovation and Entrepreneurship Projects for College Students and Graduation Designs

Welcome to contact, Teacher Liu Guokun Email: ; Office address: C308, School of Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University.