With the development of technology, fast and accurate access to data is essential for the correctness and timeliness of decision-making. Therefore, it is of great significance to design and develop instruments for on-site and rapid testing, which can improve efficiency, reduce costs, real-time monitoring, improve production and management levels, and ensure public safety and health.
The Project: Design and Development of Visible Light Spectrophotometer System for Separating Absorption and Scattering of Nanoparticles
A simple, efficient and reliable visible light spectrometer system for separating the absorption and scattering of nanoparticles was designed and built. At the same time, extinction, absorption, and scattering curves can be obtained, which can be used to characterize the absorption and scattering properties of various nanoparticles. It solves the blindness of judging the function of nanoparticles by simply obtaining the extinction spectrum of nanoparticles from ultraviolet visibility.