Guokun Liu Group


Release time:2023-11-02

Name of Research Group: 课题组主要合作者

Team members Introduction:











1. Lumin Sun, Shanshan Lin, Lifeng Feng, Shuyuan Huang, Dongxing Yuan*, The distribution and sea–air transfer of volatile mercury in waste post-desulfurization seawater discharged from a coal-fired power plant, Environmental Science Pollution Research, 2013, 20(9): 6191-6200

2. Lumin Sun, Lifeng Feng, Dongxing Yuan*, Shanshan Lin, Shuyuan Huang, Liangming Gao, Yong Zhu, The extent of the influence and flux estimation of volatile mercury from the aeration pool in a typical coal-fired power plant equipped with a seawater flue gas desulfurization system, Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 444 (2) 559-564

3. Sun, Qian; Zhang, Min; Yuan*, Dongxing, Determination of nine emerging pesticides at trace level in aqueous samples using fully automated on-line solid phase extraction coupled with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 93(9): 970-983

4. Sichao Feng, Min Zhang, Yongming Huang, Dongxing Yuan*, Yong Zhu, Simultaneous determination of nanomolar nitrite and nitrate in seawater using reverse flow injection analysis coupled with a long path length liquid waveguide capillary cell, Talanta, 2013, 117: 456-462

5. Yong Zhu, Dongxing Yuan*, Yongming Huang, Jian Ma, Sichao Feng, A sensitive flow-batch system for on board determination of ultra-trace ammonium in seawater: Method development and shipboard application, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2013, 794: 47-54

6. Liu YaoXing, Yan JunMei, Yuan* DongXing, Li QuanLong, Wu XiaoYun, The study of lead remove from aqueous solution using an electrochemical method with a stainless steel net electrode coated with single wall carbon nonotubes, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 218: 81-88

7. YaoXing Liu, DongXing Yuan*, JunMei Yan, QuanLong Li, Tong OuYang, Electrochemical removal of chromium from aqueous solutions using electrodes of stainless steel nets coated with single wall carbon nanotubes, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 186: 473-480