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D. Liu, G. Z. Xue, Y. Xie*, X. P. Luo, M. Au. “Chapter 12: Performance of Digital Signature Schemes on Mobile Devices” in Mobile Security and Privacy: Advances, Challenges and Future Research Directions (ISBN: 978-0-12-804629-6), Syngress Publisher, Jan 2017

Y. Xie, X. P. Luo and Rocky K. C. Chang, “Chapter 1: Centralizing the power saving mode for 802.11 infrastructure networks“ in Energy Technology and Management (ISBN 978-953-307-742-0), InTech Open Access Publisher, Oct 2011


刘国坤、罗思恒、陈甘雨、刘涛、周志明、谢怡、田中群, “一种拉曼光谱弱信号提取的后处理方法”,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 201911371518.5,2021年3月3日授权

谢怡、游乔贝、刘国坤、康怀志、曾勇明、孙锡龙, “用于机器学习物质识别算法的通用拉曼光谱特征提取方法”,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 201710886434.X,2021年2月5日授权

谢怡、冯辉、颜路易、罗夏朴,“用前向纠错码和交织码的网络流水印建立隐蔽信道的方法”,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 201810290842.3,2020年6月9日授权

谢怡、洪佩怡、戴平阳、王舒意、康怀志、王宇翔, “一种基于随机森林模型的拉曼光谱分析方法”,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 201810996426.5,2020年5月8日授权

谢怡、杨李冬、罗夏朴、孙锡龙、王宇翔,“一种基于流量过滤和Web缓存预取的WiFi接入设备节能方法”,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 201510262134.5,2018年12月18日授权

谢怡、周浩程、罗夏朴、薛国治、于乐、陈福沨,“基于HOOK的云存储应用加密数据包破解方法”,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 201510665184.8,2018年9月21日授权

戴平阳、游乔贝、韩少华、谢怡, “基于GPU的交替霍夫森林实时目标跟踪方法”,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 201510469274.X, 2018年6月29日授权


[1] 孙学良,黄安欣,罗夏朴,谢怡*,针对TOR的网页指纹攻击研究综述,计算机研究与发展,2021年,vol. 58(即将发表

[2] L. Gong*, L. Liu, S. Yang, J. Xu, Y. Xie, X. B. Wang, SERENADE: A Parallel Iterative Algorithm for Crossbar Scheduling in Input-Queued Switches, in Proceedings of 21st IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (IEEE HPSR), 2020. (SCI/EI, CCF推荐)

[3] Y. Lin, T. Liu, F. F. Chen, K. C. Li, Y. Xie*, An energy-efficient task migration scheme based on genetic algorithms for mobile applications in CloneCloud, The Journal of Supercomputing, Nov 2020. (SCI/EI, CCF推荐)

[4] A. X. Huang, C. Zhu, D. W. Wu, Y. Xie*, X. P. Luo, Cross-Platform Improvement: an Adaptive Method of Browser History Sniffing, in Proceedings of MADWeb workshop in NDSS 2020  (EI, CCF推荐)

[5] Xie Y, You Q, Dai P, Wang S, Hong P, *Liu K, Yu J, Sun X, Zeng Y. How to achieve auto-identification in Raman analysis by spectral feature extraction & Adaptive Hypergraph, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 222: 1-8, 2019 (SCI/EI)

[6] T. D. Liu, Y. Lin, Z. B. Xu, Y. Xie*, F. F. Chen, and G. Z. Xue, An Energy Model of 4G Smartphone Oriented Towards Typical Network Applications, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, vol.28, no.2, pp. 94-102, 2018 (SCI/EI)

[7] T. D Liu, L.J. Liu, J. Chen, H. Jiang, Q. Sun, Y. Xie*, Optimal design of Raman fibre amplifier based on terminal value optimization strategy and shuffled frog leaping algorithm, Journal of Modern Optics, vol.65, no.14, pp. 1680-1687, 2018 (SCI/EI)

[8] Y. Xie, L. D. Yang, X. L. Sun, Y. M. Zeng, Q. Z. Chen, and G. K. Liu*, An auto-adaptive background subtraction method for Raman spectra, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, vol.161, pp. 58-63, 2016 (SCI/EI)

[9] T. D. Liu, F. F. Chen, Y. R. Ma, and Y. Xie*, An energy-efficient task scheduling for mobile devices based on cloud assistant, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol.61, pp.1-12, 2016 (SCI/EI, CCF推荐)

[10] X. P. Luo, H. C. Zhou, L. Yu, L. Xue, and Y. Xie*, Characterizing mobile *-box applications, Computer Networks, vol.103, pp.228-239, 2016 (SCI/EI, CCF推荐)

[11] Z. W. Li, K. C. Li, Y. Xie*, H. Jiang, and L. Shi, Analysis of file pollution in P2P networks with epidemic model, Journal of Internet Technology, vol.16, no.7, pp.717-726, 2015 (SCI/EI)

[12] Z. J. Song, J. Yu, C. L. Zhou, D. P. Tao, and Y. Xie, Skeleton correspondence construction and its applications in animation style reusing, Neurocomputing, 120(SI), pp.461-468, 2013 (SCI/EI, CCF推荐)

[13] Y. Y. Qu, S. Wu, H. Liu, Y. Xie, H. Z. Wang*, Evaluation of local features and classifiers in BOW model for image classification, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol.70, no.2, pp.605-624, 2014 (SCI/EI)

[14] Y. Xie*, X. L. Sun, P. F. Yuan, and X. J. Chen, Adaptive traffic-aware PSM mechanism for IEEE 802.11 WLANs, Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol.23, no.4, pp.437-450, 2014 (EI)

[15] W. Z. Chi, T. Zheng, Y. Xie*, Z. W. Li, and Y. J. Chen, End-to-End available bandwidth estimation using HybChirp, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, vol.12, no.4, pp.360-369, 2016 (EI)

[16] S. T. Mao, P. E. Barbano and Y. Xie*, Identification of wireless network cards based on signatures of wireless traffic, In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Larnaca, Cyprus, July 2015 (EI, CCF推荐)

[17] P. Y. Dai, K. Liu, Y. Xie, and C. H. Li, Online co-training ranking SVM for visual tracking, In Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florence, Italy, May 2014 (EI, CCF推荐)

[18] P. Y. Dai, Y. L. Luo, W. S. Liu, C. H. Li, and Y. Xie, Robust visual tracking via part-based sparsity model, In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 2013 (EI, CCF推荐)

[19] Y. Xie*, X. P. Luo, and Rocky K. C. Chang, Centralized PSM: an AP-centric power saving mode for 802.11 infrastructure networks, In Proceedings of IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, USA, March 2009 (EI)